The Gilberts

The Gilberts
The reason for my domestication

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I don't dance.

I really do not like how my blog looks, but don't really know how to fix it. lol.
Oh well.

Gabe is sick. AGAIN! He just finished taking a round of anti-biotics and woke up this morning with a fever :/
Really? I think kids get prescribed medicine so much nowadays that when they really need to kick sickness in the butt it's that much harder. I think this next doctors visit will require a shot in the rear end and 6 people to hold him down. lol. Actually, when I told him we had to go back to the doctor he didn't seem too concerned. He is probably tired of being sick and tired. I would be.

Summer classes start next week, and I'm kinda excited. I'm excited to get it over with and raise my GPA some more but not ready for how much time it is going to take away from summer fun. I just keep telling myself 2 more years and I will be off EVERY summer. WOO HOO!

Today they are having a dance party after school and when I asked Ethan if he wanted to go he said very matter of fact, "I don't dance."
Well ok then.

Sunday was Mother's Day and it was pretty fab :) Got to sleep in b/c the kids were with their mom and then we picked them up around noonish and went to the Tennessee Aquarium. It was all that crowded which was the best b/c it's hard to look at everything when people are walking on top of each other. I got some very nice gifts from little people and then had to go to work that night.

I just wanted to jot a down a few lines while I had a minute :)

PS: Here is a pic of Joey making pancakes for dinner last night. He is so fun. I have a video that's on FB I can't figure out how to do video on the blog :/

ok, never mind. I can't figure out the pic either. lol.

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