The Gilberts

The Gilberts
The reason for my domestication

Monday, January 9, 2012

10 challenge thing

Okay! I'm a copy cat. Thanks Rach.

Day 1: Ten secrets... It may be hard to come up with 10 honestly bc I like to talk and everyone may know my dirty secrets already lol.

Number one: I can't stand to have buggers in my nose. It drives me nuts. If I can't blow it, you best believe I am picking it. I've even sustained some car damage due to a bugger picking. It's no joke.

Number two: I do not have a weak stomach. You can discuss virtually ANYTHING disgusting and I will not care. I can watch gross surgery shows with blood and guts, and I can clean toilets and throw up all day. No big deal. The last time I gagged over something gross was about a month ago I changed the litter box and Batman had done a very disgusting poo in it.

Number Three: Speaking of Batman. I loveeeeeee my Batman. He is the only pet I have ever had this long and we have been through so much together. I told Chris the other night I think he is some bad ass person thats been reincarnated lol.

Number four: I bite the skin around my nails and cuticles. I've done it since I was little. I do it more in the winter months when my hands stay super dry and when I'm nervous. I will bite the skin til they bleed and not even notice til it begins to bleed/hurt. A very hard habit to break :( The only time I don't do it is when I have my nails done.

Number five: I am possessive. I like to be in control of just about everything. This has been super hard on me the past year or so. Since moving in with Chris I have played a big part in how the kids are raised. How they are dressed. What they eat/drink. How their hair is cut. School things. It's very hard for me to take that step back and let Jennifer be the momma. I love them too. I want to be the one who makes the important decisions. No two people are exactly alike either so I think it goes without saying that we don't always have the same tastes. I want to do it all MY way. Period. But I can't :( The next several years will be full of adjustments for me.

Number six: I am a compulsive Facebook user. I log on several times a day and night. It's not as bad as it used to be.

Number seven: I rarely watch television. I do catch a few minutes of Nick jr a day and when Chris gets home we usually watch "Who's line is it anyway?" or a movie, but I rarely sit down and watch the entire thing. I'm always up doing something and then by the time the kids are in bed and I have everything ready for the next day I would rather play on my Nook or cruise FB.

Number eight: I love sweet and salty foods. Like chocolate covered pretzels. Or putting potato chips on a peanut butter and honey sandwich..... Excuse me while I go make myself something to eat. lol.

Number nine: Now this is a real secret. Chris and I are planning to have a child of our own. CRAZY! Actually, we may be. lol. When I first started dating Chris he made it very plain that he did NOT want anymore kids, and I understood why. Four kids is a lot of kids. He never aspired to become the Brady Bunch  or The Duggars. So as our relationship became more serious and I knew I loved him I told myself that was a sacrifice I was willing to make to be with him. He even at one point called his health ins co to inquire about a vasectomy procedure. Thats when I took it all back though, I just feel like as much as I love him and the children I deserve that experience. The experience of being pregnant, of giving birth, and having my baby :) I love his kids with all my heart, but no amount of me loving them will ever make them truly mine. So Chris consented :) He understood where I was coming from and he would do anything to make me happy. So eventually we will have our own little bean.

Number ten: I was inspired by Rachel Clark to let you in on my own sleeping habit that I have had since childhood. I have to rub my feet inside the blanket as I fall asleep. It can't be just any blanket or just laying any way. It has to be tucked under my feet and I will move and re-situate the blanket several times til I find the perfect rubbing spot.

Well thats it for now. As you were.

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